Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Indian Cricket -a quiz about Income-tax theft,cocaine and murder.

In a quiz published in Hindi Newspaper (नवभारत टाइम्स ) Navbharat Times , dated 23rd May 07 ,which claims to have largest circulation in Delhi, quiz question 4 is reproduced for perusal of cricket community. No doubt, it will add to profile of the cricketers involved for their service to the cause of the cricket as well as nation. The general awareness of the Indian Students in particular will improve.Unsporting General public will, however, feel shy and shamed for being connected with the Indian cricket.

Another news, that is being circulated by International news agencies such as AP, Reuters, and Indian TV channels and newspapers is about the arrest of Ex-cricketer Maninder Singh for possessing cocaine. Maninder Singh who has been released on bail, represented India in 35 Test matches and 59 Odis. Maninder, a famous on-screen entity, 'expert commentator' in television channels , found way into the Page 3 circle where use of drugs is never an inhibition. It is strange that he retired at the early age of 28 for reasons best known to him, when, in India, it is customary to serve the nation and the cricket till you are dropped by some daring selector. Some quiz master will definitely include his name also in a subsequent general knowledge quiz.

In my humble opinion, the name of Navjot Singh Sidhu, who has been sentenced to imprisonment by Punjab and Haryana high court recently, for murder of a senior citizen should also be included in future GK quizzes for the awareness of not so talented students and street kids who love and adulate such Indian cricketers. Or else, Sidhu may feel hurt again and may resign from the Parliament to uphold the mask of moral duty and help the nation by spreading message of ethics . It is another matter that he did not have the guts to express , at least , the lip sympathy to the victim's family. It is a trivial issue, his pro-protective media thinks so. And rightly so, because if you hit an infirm, sick, and old man and he dies, in India, as a rule, he succumbs to heart attack or some existing disease.The ethical hits and blows showered on the victim are perhaps incidental to the disease!

The common factor in the above cases is that all of them are high profiled. Three of them are expert cricket commentators: and so serving the nation by contributing their expert comments about Indian Cricket and also adding to the general awareness of Indian street kids cricketers by their ethical actions.The two tax evaders have made the nation richer by not paying about Rs.4,0000000/-. They have been projected as role models for the young entrants by some Indian TV channels, and rightly so by Comptroller and Auditor General of India who has observed in their report that as per the rules of tax game they have earned money by just being models and not by playing cricket.Yet, to preach sermons about the protecting the honor of Indian cap and who should wear it and when , is their fundamental right.

God save the Indian Cricket from the quiz masters!

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